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Showing posts from July, 2017

The (Simplistic) Solution

Ok. I will answer all of your questions. All at once. First I'd just like to say, a little courtesy would be nice; even assholes deserve common decency now and then. That said, without knowing any more detail of any situation presented, I will give you the best answer I can, assuming we've implemented the systems I propose as opposed to the current system. (Seeing as how that's what I'm after.  I don't want to force women who don't want their kids to raise them, I want reform the system so that adoptees don't lose their rights. I want to stop the corruption and coercion of the adoption industry. It IS a multi-hundred-million-dollar a year INDUSTRY, make no mistake.) Under the system I propose, all adoption agencies have been shut down, their proprieters jailed for child trafficking. We have done away with the $13,000 a head benefit the government pays to each adopter upon finalization. The hundreds of millions of dollars (our tax money) the government sa...

Post Adoption Depression: NOT A Medically Recognized Diagnosis

It's likened to post-partem depression. When one has gone through the (I laughingly call it) "rigorous" adoption process, apparently, after bringing "their" new child home, 65% of adoptive mothers end up suffering from "post adoptive depression".  That's right, fellows. You read that right. 65% of adoptive mothers claim they "become depressed" once they finally get that baby they've been "working so hard for". Yeah. Filling out a bunch of papers and answering a bunch of questions, then sitting on your ass waiting for a phone call is a LOAD of work. Especially whey compared to, oh, I don't know, being pregnant? _________________ [[Post-adoption depression syndrome (PADS) is real.  Joni S. Mantell, MSW, founder and director of the Infertility and Adoption Counseling Center, discusses the challenges of PADS in her article entitled“Beyond Happy” (featured in Adoptive Families).   She describes symptoms of PADS as “overwh...

Poor Mistreated Adopters Part 2

She wrote another one. Indeed she did. This time she speaks at length about us, and how we "trauma children" deliberately set out to manipulate, lie, "triangulate", and scapegoat our way into our adopters' marriages. Drive wedges. Try to destroy their lives. " Seems no relationship is untouched by the havoc wreaked incessantly by the trauma exploding and oozing from some adopted children." Yes, we ooze havoc. We do it on purpose, you know. We love the idea of destroying your life. We are thrilled to alienate your friends and family. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than destroying families. We've been doing it since birth, you see? The evil manipulation is baked right in, right?? " little more than eight years ago, God dropped adoption into our lives. And very long story short, within a year we went from being a typical family with three little blonde kids to a transracial adoptive family of eight. " That, my dear, sounds like a ...

Lies, Lies, Lies

I have found in my travels down this bumpy road, that many of my fellows are obsessed with the truth. I find myself being one of them. Sadly (because somewhere, off in a dusty corner of mind I never sweep, it does sadden me), I find myself not caring if the truth is hard or cruel or difficult to swallow. Because, to paraphrase Ghandi, even if the truth is unpopular and pisses people off,  it's still the truth. (Trust me, I REALLY REALLY know how much of an asshole I look like right now. Remarkably, I don't care.) In the adoption world, the truth is exceptionally ugly. Which is why we're all taught to lie. We're all taught the lies of adoption propaganda. I.e., adoption is a beautiful thing, a gift, a better life. Adoption is a blessing from god. It saves lives. Adoption is an image of smiling hopeful adoptive faces and Disney world dreams applied as a thin veneer to hide a world of greed, corruption, profiteering, and child trafficking. This is the first set of lies...

Poor Mistreated Adopters

Yeah, you heard me. I didn't stutter. Some of you are not going to BELIEVE some of the shit I've read this week. And some of you are going to be asking me, where did you find that blog? I need to follow her! Don't worry, I'll attribute the website at the end of this article. I think some of my fellow adoptees might like to take a look at it well. The blog post is about what she refers as "trauma children". By this she specifies that she's talking about older fostered adoptees who have been traumatized by the system. But frankly, some if not all of the behaviors she twists and misconstrues to suit her victim model would apply to a lot of us, not just kids that came out of care later. Many of us have had some of these manifestations of C-PTSD. Especially those of us mistreated by our adopters. For example: "You’re pushed away. You’re spat upon. You’re punched. You’re hit. You’re rejected. You’re lied to and lied about and often. You’re the scapegoat...

Self Righteous Birth Mother? Come, Let's Chat.

Ok, first and foremost, if your children were stolen, taken against your will, or adopted out without your consent, this isn't about you. If you signed a paper relinquishing your rights, I am talking you. Get ready, because you are gonna hate me in about ten minutes. And guess what? I don't give a damn. You don't really have space to talk much, birth mother. You want to tell me how you were coerced. Tricked into thinking you did what's best for me. All that says to me is that you are exceptionally weak and impressionable. Maybe you care more about social norms than you do about me. Maybe it's college. Or you're afraid of what mommy or daddy will think. Maybe you're afraid. I don't care. Unless someone put a gun to your head and forced you sign, there isn't enough coercion in the world to justify the choice you made. What you did was worst for me. You put me in the hands of heartless profiteers who made almost thirty thousand dollars selling me to...